WHO WE AREBERG was launched in 2017 from the Department of Engineering Education at Ohio State University. Over the years, a vibrant group of scholars have worked together to establish BERG as a community of learning and development for those interested in pursuing their curiosity about how beliefs (in any form) create and perpetuate inequities in engineering spaces. Click below to read about BERG’s publications.
Engineering Education PhDBERG is part of The Ohio State University in the Department of Engineering Education, which also hosts a Ph.D. program. You can learn more about the program — and apply — in the links on the side.
CLICK HERE to read more about Dr. Dringenberg's Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation for her research on beliefs about gender- and race-based minoritization in engineering.
CLICK HERE to read more about Engineering tough decisions and how researchers study how students make complex choices.
CONTACT USIf you would like to know more about our investigation or would like to share ideas about these lines of research, please feel free to reach out to our Principal Investigator.